Love Cards & Destiny Cards

Destiny Card Reports

Lifetime Destiny Card Reading and Report

Did you know your cards are dealt the moment you are born?

The LIFETIME Destiny card report covers your 13 year periods. This report details your lifetime karma, issues, challenges, gifts, tools and innate talents.

Did you know that there’s an ancient mathematical formula that combines numerology, astrology and a deck of playing cards?

This mathematical calculation has been on the planet for hundreds of years and was guarded from discovery by a secret order - The Order of the Magi - the three wise Kings that found the location of Jesus' birth mentioned in the Bible. It has been described as being so powerful that while the information was on the planet, orders were to guard the equation until consciousness transformed. It is now, after hundreds of years of secrecy, available to anyone that’s interested.

How does it work?

This equation utilizes your birth date to determine your Birth Card. Your Birth Card describes your Soul’s identity in this lifetime. The Birth card is the most important symbol of who we are in this lifetime and the description provided allows you to read about your gifts as well as your issues and challenges. It is your soul’s essence. Most Birth cards have a Planetary Ruler card that is also very important.

This report is used to guide you to enhance your influences.

It provides insight for the appropriate time for you to take action, or to lay low until an influence has passed. You will know when you may meet a key partner in your life, get married, have a child, the potential sex of the child, or when to release your relationship and how to go about it with the most beneficial energetic influence for you.

Your Destiny report is based on your birth date. The influence changes every year on the date of your birth and lasts until your next birthday.

The Destiny Card report includes the Birth Card and Planetary ruling card, plus -52 day periods for the entire year-for one person.

This makes a GREAT birthday gift!

***There is not a card report available for those that are born on 12/31. This is the JOKER card date of birth and you may embrace any card’s traits. This is a very special date of birth and you are not bound by the Destiny Card configuration!***

Love Card Reports

A one time report that assists you in understanding the connections between you and your loved one for the duration of your relationship.  

This report is used to understand the lessons, past life influences and underlying energies in your relationships. The two Birth dates determine the connections of the relationship. This report provides insight to determine the factors holding your relationship together. These influences do not change and you’ll only need one report per relationship. 

  • I am shocked, even after all these years at the accuracy.

    If you haven’t purchased your Destiny Card readings annually, you are missing out on a great opportunity to have a tool that guides you through the year. I am shocked, even after all these years at the accuracy. I have been told when I would move, get a promotion and have a baby with accuracy!

  • The Love Card reading gave me an excellent snapshot of how my energy flows vs. my husband’s.

    We are truly perfect for each other with our Moon connection (the most often in place with long-term relationships) and our three Venus connections (friendship). We are good friends and partners.