Core Energetic Biofeedback System
CoRe System™
The CoRe System™ offers complex, yet simple energetic balancing.
During times of growth, we might experience “growing pains” felt in many forms. Sometimes, in fear of having to face these issues, we keep ourselves stuck in situations that no longer serve our highest good.
With informational balancing the CoRe System will send you corrective energetic frequencies from special Biofeedback generator creating valuable changes at the bio-energetic level to delete your resistance, procrastination, malaise, fatigue, and distractions.
The CoRe System™ device is not a diagnosis or medical treatment device. It’s an instrument which supports spiritual transformation.
The system is based on the principles of quantum physics using a complex statistical analysis of over one hundred thousand patterns of stress sources. The evaluation and energetic balancing, applies a method of sound and electromagnetism that views the world as holographic; meaning that each part contains information about all the other parts and will work with your energetic, informational system to bring gentle balance.
The system works with the mathematical matrix representations of different parts of the energy field. By “pinging” the representative “informational signature” of the individual, energetic biofeedback selects complex models to establish the issue and sends an energetic correction.
The evaluation and balancing performed provides feedback that you may or may not feel.
For more information, please refer to Princeton’s PEAR study.
Custom Balancing
What we need to know for your session.
CoRe Custom Balancing is a personalized program designed around your specific needs and intentions.
Please send me up to 6 intentions. You will receive examples in the form, once you are ready to order.
Your intentions will be placed into the CoRe Program.
The initial session takes 2-3 hours
You will be set up for 30 days to receive energetic balancing. The CoRe corrections will connect with you 3 times a day for 9 minutes. This continues daily -for 30 days- of ongoing support!
This work is done in ABSENTIA. You will not be present. You will not be called, other than to receive email notification that your session will begin that particular day, and to remind you that your session is complete at the end of the month.
You can select 1 month, or 3 month programs. For the 3- month program, you will email me new, or updated intentions at the beginning of each month. The month begins on the date you send your order.
CoRe Custom Balancing - 1 month
CoRe Balancing - 3 months
The CoRe REALLY works!
The CoRe system is INCREDIBLE. For example, one day, I was working on myself, checking to see what the CoRe was working on… I had been in town, running errands, stopped for fuel, etc. The CoRe had a response to my day. It was clearing; CROWDS, you don’t really like them do you? Then, feedback indicated; Clearing UNLEADED FUEL on the hands. Then, it responded; Snacking on an Apple is good for you.
I had stopped to get fuel, ate an apple and was noticing that the lines were long everywhere I went.
The CoRe picked up these signatures and corrected them by sending me frequencies for happiness, peace and vibrationally correcting the chemicals from the fuel out of my energy field.
Photos by Alex Onkka